
Saturday, August 31, 2019

An Inspector Calls Essay

Throughout the play An Inspector Calls JB Priestly uses the characters to portray the different levels of society. He does this so as to give each class a moral belief and name. The play is called ‘An Inspector calls’ and was written in 1946 by J. B. Priestly. It is set in the year 1912, in between the time in which it was set and the year it was written two world wars had taken place. In 1912 classes were very different and were socially divided. There was a lot of poor people and very few rich people. A lot of the rich people disliked the working class and disrespected them. He uses the characters Mr and Mrs Birling to represent capitalists they are middle class and only out for themselves. They bid for higher prices and pay their labourers little so they make as much profit as possible. Gerald is of a higher middle class and is much younger, he has some empathy for the lower class but is still very much a capitalist. His parents Lady and Lord Croft are of a higher status than the Birlings but they share the same socialistic views. Both Eric and Sheila have a lot of empathy for Eva Smith, they were brought up by capitalist parents which means that their judgement can be swayed to a capitalist view but morally they see what they have done and are willing to accept that. The inspector, represents JB Priestly’s views of society. The Inspector’s last speech sums up how Priestly feels about capitalism and such. â€Å"but just remember this. One Eva Smith has gone but there are millions and millions and millions of Eva Smiths and John Smiths with us, with their lives, their hopes and fears, their suffereing and chance of happiness, all interwined with our lives, and what we think and say and do. We don’t live alone. We are members of one body. We are responsible for each other. And I tell that the time will soon come when if men will not learn that lesson, then they will be taught it in fire and blood and aguish† In this play JB Priestly is aiming to make his audience think again about their views and make them realise that everyone should be responsible for everybody else. Mr Birling is a middle class, wealthy business man who used to be â€Å"an alderman for years – and lord mayor two years ago† he is a magistrate and talks of his â€Å"way into the next honours list. Just a knighthood† He is described as being â€Å"heavy looking† and as being â€Å"in his middle fifties. † Through the inspector’s questioning the audience are made aware of all aspects good and bad. His good side being that he cares about his daughter getting married to his fiancee â€Å"treating Gerald like on of the family. † His bad points being a mans priority – his work and reputation. He comes across a being very mean, cruel and even extremely pompous as a complete snob – in his opinion, his and only his views are correct. Since he is a self made man he thinks that every man is for himself and is strongly against collective responsibility. This is a part he tries to imprint into much of Gerald and Eric. He does this by preaching to them, â€Å"The worlds developing so fast that it’ll make war impossible† an example of Dramatic irony which Priestley uses alot throughout the play. Priestly attempts to convey the part that these values are incorrect and though the inspectors final speech he lets the audience know that: if men will not learn that lesson, then they will be taught in fire and blood and anguish† The most important factor of Mr Birlings character is that he is incapable of change: Priestly wants the audience to know that change is the key. As well as Priestly the audience or the reader can see that the fire, blood and anguish is referring to the war, therefore the audience should realise that the moral lessons are not only meant for the Birlings but also for the audience. If the Arthur Birlings of this world don’t change war will never cease. Mrs Birling is the wife of Arthur, she is an extremely callus woman who is very out of touch with the reality of life. She has a lack of understanding in certain areas, such as her naivety to her son when she is preaching â€Å"find this young man and then make sure that he has compelled to confess in public his responsibility† Mrs Birling is constantly very hypocritical: she first describes Gerald’s relationship with Eva (Daisy) as â€Å"a disgusting affair. † Then later when the inspector is found to be false she is quite content worth forgetting about the whole thing. Also he begins by laying all the blame on the â€Å"young man† that impregnated Eva saying, â€Å"he should be made an example of†, but when Eric, her son is found to be the young man she denies all comments previously made until Sheila reveals them. She is very prejudice and has awfully stereotypical views. Gerald is the son of a big rival of Arthur’s Sir George Croft. He is well mannered of course and very self but he too has moral flaws. Whether Inspector Goole was truthfully an inspector or not shouldn’t have changed the fact that Gerald had commited a moral crime through his exploitation of Eva. Although he sets out with good intentions in the way that he saves Eva from Alderman Meggarty, his utilisation of his social standing and economic power to use Eva is wrong. The audience can also see his lack of loyalty from the way he betrayed Sheila at such ease. The way that he begins the sequence of proceedings leading to the view that the inspector wasn’t an inspector shows that he reacts on his suspicions. Gerald wasn’t all bad though he gave Eva more than any other character in the play and â€Å"had some affection for her and mad her happy for a time. He also didn’t burden Eva with a child, as did Eric. He is much more concerned with legalities than moralities, as are Mr and Mrs Birling, in the way Mr Birling treated Eva is warranted. Gerald is also similar to Mr and Mrs Birling in his inability to change. Sheila in her early twenties and at the beginning seems quite self-centred in the way that she loves the attention she is receiving because of her engagement. She appeared to be shallow taking her misfortune out on others by getting Eva scared at Milwards because she smiled at the assistant and looked better in a hat than Sheila did. She uses her position to bully the less fortunate, ordering the manager at Milwards â€Å"if they don’t get rid of that girl, id never go near the place again and id persuade mother to close tour account with them. † But unlike Mr and Mrs Birling and Gerald, she is authentically sorry for her action and doesn’t share their moral faults and so has that potential to change. She shows this potential by the way she accepts that Gerald cheated on her and respects him for admitting it, she realise the importance of honestly and gives him the opportunity to change. Sheila realises â€Å"these girls aren’t cheap labour – they’re people† and the fact that she comprehends things like that is why she is to seem to the audience that she is a better person than Gerald and her parents. Sheila begins to understand the values the inspector is trying to preach and how they are more logical than her families’ principals. She can therefore comprehend that her mother is â€Å"beginning all wrong† and that Mrs Birling should â€Å"stop stop† where as nobody else can grasp this essential point. Sheila may have been a brat, but the fact that she and Eric are â€Å"more impressionable† enables her to understand that people need to learn from past errors and change. It is the ability to change that separates her, and Eric from the other Characters. At the beginning of the play, Priestley sets out an extensive series of stage directions. He applies them effectively as a dramatic device, in that he uses them to show how the Birling family are cold, distant people and how capitalism has corrupted them as a family. He illustrates how the family are very well off, alluding to â€Å"dessert plates† and â€Å"champagne glasses† as well as other expensive items. However, there is also a sense of formality and distance between the family members as he writes that â€Å"men are in tails and white ties† and that it is â€Å"not cosy and homelike†. He also emphasises the remoteness between Mr and Mrs Birling by situating them at opposite ends of the table. Included in the stage directions is the colour and brightness of the lighting. Priestley also uses this as a dramatic device skilfully. The lighting first used is described as â€Å"pink and intimate† showing a ‘warm’ and ‘joyful’ atmosphere. However the audience gets the sense that it is just a screen covering up secrets and that they are in fact looking through ‘rose-tinted glasses’ and that it is not really what it seems. This is confirmed when the Inspector appears and the lighting changes to a â€Å"brighter and harder light† where it gives the impression of exposure and the revelation of truth. In this way, the character of the Inspector has also been used as a dramatic device. He is used to convey a message, as a mouthpiece to Priestley’s views. He makes it seem as if socialism is the true and honest way to live. The Inspector does not use euphemisms and instead uses graphic imagery in order to shock the Birlings into giving him information, â€Å"she’d swallowed a lot of strong disinfectant, Burnt her inside out of course†. He also has a feeling of omniscience and an almost ghostly presence. His name, Inspector Goole, indicates this as Goole sounds like Ghoul and Inspector sounds like spectre. The Inspector is used to ‘correct’ the capitalists and makes a strong statement in favour of socialism in his final rhetorical speech. In this speech he states that for lower class, â€Å"Eva Smiths and John Smiths† there is a â€Å"chance of happiness† in socialism. The Inspector also makes the audience realise that they are â€Å"members of one body† and that they should try their best to help people like Eva Smith, otherwise, as the Inspector implies, â€Å"they will be taught in fire and blood and anguish†. This almost acts as a threat to the audience and incites them to recognize the value of Priestley’s message. Dramatic irony is also used in many ways as a dramatic device. It is used to promote the Inspector yet mock Mr Birling. In Mr Birling’s speech at the beginning of the play, he proudly states that â€Å"as a hard-headed businessman† he thinks that â€Å"there isn’t a chance of war† and that the Titanic is â€Å"absolutely unsinkable†. With the play being published after two world wars and the sinking of the Titanic, Priestley makes the audience think that Birling is a fool. Whereas the Inspector, who states in his final speech that â€Å"they will be taught in fire and blood and anguish† indicating that there will be a war, is elevated by the use of dramatic irony. This makes the audience believe the socialist views of the Inspector instead of the ‘foolish’ views of Mr Birling. The fact that a meaningful message is represented would indicate that An Inspector Calls, as well as being a murder mystery, in the way that Priestley uncovers the story of the death of Eva Smith, is also a moralistic play. Priestley shows the audience how not to live their lives, using dramatic devices to demonstrate this. He makes the audience contemplate over the fact that they are actually â€Å"members of one body† and that they are all â€Å"responsible for one another† and has made them realise that socialism is the way forward instead of capitalism. In this way, An Inspector Calls is very relevant today’s society where people still do need to work together and help others in need. J. B. Priestley effectively uses many dramatic devices in An Inspector Calls, such as symbolism and timings. He applies them in order to portray his political views, using an upper class, Edwardian family to do so. The end of the play was ambiguous and it left the audience craving a clear and understandable ending. Were there more girls than just Eva Smith? Was Inspector Goole real? What really was real? Some people thought Goole was a spirit that had come to foretell the future, others thought there were multiple girls in the pictures, while a few thought it was the same girl just in a different pose. Priestly uses the characters to speak his mind and get across wants he thinks through characters and that’s why people are leaving wanting more.

Discuss the Role of Endogenous Pacemakers and Exogenous Zeitgebers.

There are 3 biological rhythms in the body. Circadian, which is our body clock which works to a 24-hour cycle and regulates our bodies biochemical, physiological and behavioural processes. Ultradian processes, which are smaller processes that happen inside our 24-hour circadian cycle. These Ultradian cycles are the sleep stages lasting 90-120 minutes, however some other ultradian cycles include hormone release, heart rate, nostril dilation and appetite. Lastly there is Infradian which are outside our circadian 24-hour cycle such as the menstrual cycle and hibernation. These cycles are endogenously controlled, however can be tainted or ‘entrained’ to the environment by exogenous factors. Endogenous pacemakers are biological pacemakers inside us that regulate our cycles. An endogenous pacemaker is the Suprachiasmatic nucleus located in the hypothalamus. It is situated directly above the optic chiasm (allowing it to respond to light) and it responsible for controlling circadian rhythms. At the presence of light, it stimulates the pineal gland to release melatonin. Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone that promotes sleep. A higher level of melatonin will promote sleep, and thus a lower level will help us wake up and stay alert. It’s this process that endogenously regulates our circadian sleep-wake cycle. The SCN’s influence on our bodies has been demonstrated in Morgans animal study. He bred ‘mutant’ hamsters with entrained ’20-hour’ circadian rhythms. When their SCN was transplanted into their ‘normal’ hamsters they exhibited the mutant rhythm. This shows the role the SCN plays in our circadian cycles, showing it regulates our sleep patterns and that rhythm entraining is done through the SCN. However, this argument can be deeply flawed. The SCN affects other circadian rhythms such as hormone release and these could affect sleep itself as well as individual differences; therefore it may be deterministic to conclude that the SCN is the regulator of sleep. Methodological issues are thrown into the research also. Is the research ethical justifiable? In my opinion, in groundbreaking findings drawing the link between the SCN and sleep it is justifiable to use rats however rats are not similar to humans and therefore cannot be well generalised.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Prenatal and Postpartum Scenario Essay

The following is a daily activity list for the 6 month developmental pregnancy timeline, this consist of three activities if done daily can have a positive effect on your pregnancy and your infant’s future development. What a baby looks like and how it acts, to an extent are determined by nature or heredity. But nurture or a child’s environment all play a role in whom they will become. There are many activities a pregnant mom can do to influence her baby’s environment in a positive manner. Daily exercise throughout the duration of a normal uncomplicated pregnancy can prepare your body for the physical demands of labor, and help to reduce infant stress levels during delivery. According to Strength and Conditioning Journal â€Å"exercising during pregnancy decreases blood pressure, improves self-esteem, and decreases muscle soreness.† â€Å"Research also shows positive fetal responses to daily exercise by improving the baby’s tolerance to stress before and during labor, babies also tend to be more alert and readily self quieted.† (Martens, 2006) A daily exercise goal of walking, swimming or yoga for 20-30 minutes should be set. Avoid secondhand smoke, â€Å"living in a smoky environment is tied to asthma and breathing problems.†(Simons, 2014) â€Å"There have also been recent studies linking smoking while pregnant to increase risk of SID.† (Simons, 2014) If  you smoke or live with someone who does smoke there are smoking cessation programs to help you quit. Depressive symptoms occur in approximately 20% of pregnant women. Maternal health is the key to developing infant’s health. Pregnant women who are depressed have poor sleep habits, decreased appetite these things could result in preterm-birth or low birth weight. â€Å"More than 13% of women take antidepressants during pregnancy, but by doing this it could have a lasting impact on the developing fetus including birth defects, behavioral problems, and autism.†(Tjoa, 2010) More and more physicians and pregnant moms are looking toward non-pharmaceutical ways to treat depression during pregnancy. If you have depression you may seek cognitive behavioral therapy to reduce your symptoms. Postpartum Woman MEMO To: Postpartum Woman From: Mindy Donaldson Date: April 17, 2015 Re: Daily Activity List The daily activities in this memo are meant to help prevent any adjustment difficulties during the postpartum period. As in pregnancy regular physical activity is important during the post partum period, this not only helps with endurance levels and prevention of chronic illness. Physical activity can help to ward off postpartum depression. â€Å"Starting a low impact exercise routine 3-4 days a week should help you to obtain pre-pregnancy weight goals.† (Borodulin, 2009) A healthy diet during the postpartum period is very important for all new mothers. â€Å"Caloric intake should not fall below 1800 calories a day.† (Boyd, 2013) Inadequate caloric intake may increase postpartum fatigue, and have a negative impact on mood. â€Å"Post pregnancy dieting may be accompanied by significant decrease in bone mineral density.† (Boyd, 2013) Postpartum depression affects many women and interrupts their daily  activities and relationships. â€Å"The symptoms of postpartum depression usually begin within one month after childbirth, most commonly feeling depressed or losing interest in daily activities.† (What Is Postpartum Depression, 2014) Postpartum depression is treated with psychotherapy or antidepressants. References Borodulin, E. H. (2009). Physical Activitiy Patterns During Pregnancy Through Postpartum. Womens Health , 32. Boyd, K. (2013). Diet, Nutrition, and Exercise. ARHP . Martens, D. H. (2006). Physiological changes and effects on the mother and fetus. Strength and Conditioning Journal , 78-82. Simons, E. T. (2014). Maternal second-hand smoke exposure in pregnancy is associated with childhood asthma development. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology in Practice , 201-207. Tjoa, C. &. (2010). Unipolar depression during pregnancy: Nonpharmacologic treatment options. Women’s Health . What Is Postpartum Depression. (2014). Retrieved from Drugs.com.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Transnational Gang Threat in America Research Paper

The Transnational Gang Threat in America - Research Paper Example In recent years, concerns have been raised – both from the media and the US authorities themselves – with regards to the violent crimes committed by transnational gangs that have escalated dramatically in recent years. The 2009 National Gang Threat Assessment released by the National Gang Intelligence Center (NGIC) and the National Drug Intelligence Center reported that the gang threat is no longer confined to the streets and in fact has already been magnified as gangs migrate from urban areas to suburban and local communities, expanding their coverage to become regional and national in scope. Two of the primary gangs that cause significant concern are the Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) and the 18th Street Gang (M-18). The US Government Accountability Office, in a report to the US Congress, has identified these gangs as serious threats to the public safety not just in the country but also in Central American countries because of their violent nature, the scope of their criminal activities and their rapid expansion (GAO 2010, 1-2). Unarguably, gangs pose significant threats to stability, security, and even in investment and the economic climate of a country. These threats have already consistently assailed Latin American countries for years and that they - spilling over to the US - is no longer a remote possibility. What is worse is that the transnational gang issue entails several other problems, including – but not limited to – illegal immigration, drug trafficking, and, as previously mentioned, crime and violence. Numerous American national law enforcement agenc ies quantify the threat to the nation in different ways. But, one thing they all agree on is that gangs are emerging as a national security threat. These violent drug gangs primarily from Central America can impact public security, increased drug violence and crime in the American experience. Although, it is difficult to

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

UK-An Investors Haven Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

UK-An Investors Haven - Essay Example Similarly, countries that export such goods can then look at importing goods that they feel are more attractive and efficient from third countries. Such 'gains from trade' will help all countries benefit and lead to all-round development and prosperity. Global production and consumption will increase (Bruce E. Moon, Ideas and Policies, 1999)2. This law of comparative advantage was expressed by renowned economist David Ricardo, who concluded that such practices of 'gains from trade' benefited nations economically. The UK has enough coal deposits for consumption; however, it depends on China and Australia for its consumption. Despite the cost of transportation, coal is still cheap when imported from these countries, compared to high-cost production costs here. This way of imports not only helps the local economy, but increases revenue for those countries as well (Sherlock and Reuvid, The handbook of International Trade, 2004)3. Britain, one of the most open economies in the world, is the fifth largest international trading nation, and the second largest exporter of services. She exported 187 billion in goods and sold 67 billion worth of services overseas in 2000. Trade relations with countries other than the EU members fall within the Common Commercial Policy (CCP) of the European Union. Thus, the European Commission negotiates with third countries on the basis of mandates agreed by the Member States (European Communities Act 1972 5.2(1)). This arrangement gives the UK greater clout in global trade negotiations4. 2.0 Executive Summary Because of its open economic policy, UK has benefited both from inward and outward investment. It receives the most in terms of foreign direct investment (FDI) than any other country in the European Union (EU), creating new jobs, finance projects, and providing access to new technologies. Interestingly, UK is the world's second largest supplier of FDI to third countries. The returns earned through interest and capital investment helps run the exchequer in disbursing pensions and other savings. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) as defined by IMF is 'a direct investment that is made to acquire a 'lasting interest' in a business operating in a country other than that of the investor, and his sole purpose being to have an effective voice in the management of that company'. 'Lasting interest' being debatable, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) recommended that 10% or greater ownership should satisfy this requirement.5 The United Kingdom imports cars, coal, oil, electronics and electrical consumer goods, and more, from foreign countries. Most of these products can be produced by the country itself. However, there are genuine reasons for such imports. Three prominent points that come to mind are6: 1. Cheaper priced than those made locally 2. More varieties available for selection due to imports 3. Better quality and features. Liberalisation has helped Trade push the economy and the government's exchequer. There are however several moves by the government that has cast a shadow with the local population.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Information and System Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Information and System Security - Essay Example Information security is concerned with the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data regardless of the form the data may take: electronic, print, or other forms. The field of information security has grown and evolved significantly in recent years. As a career choice there are many ways of gaining entry into the field. It offers many areas for specialization including Information Systems Auditing, Business Continuity Planning. Information security is the ongoing process of exercising due care and due diligence to protect information, and information systems, from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, destruction, modification, or disruption. The never ending process of information security involves ongoing training, assessment, protection, monitoring & detection, incident response & repair, documentation, and review. In recent years identity management has become increasingly important, especially in the financial services, healthcare and government industries. Why identity management has emerged as a growing business and IT priority is no mystery. Obvious drivers include the need to protect one's intellectual property, data brand value and customer loyalty from the potential damage wrought by electronically-based fraud and theft; the desire to cut technical support costs, increase productivity through self-service and enable integration across disparate platforms.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Public Policy TrendsWK5 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Public Policy TrendsWK5 - Research Paper Example DOT agencies dealing with the given transport system created will hence try to oversee the project so as to ensure transparency (2012). This concept entails project management of projects they have been assigned to work on (DOT, 2012). It is the responsibility of DOT to ensure projects are carried to the later to ensure they meet the satisfaction of the state administrators and county managers since they represent the interests of the people in that given state or county (DOT, 2012). In addition, DOT often works together with state administrators to come up with long term beneficial plans for the given state (DOT, 2012). The planning of a better transport system is a function of DOT and collaborates with state administrators so as to ensure their projects are their success (DOT, 2012). In matters of development that entails transportation, it is up to state administrators to consult with DOT in order to come up with plans that may suit their needs (DOT, 2012). For any planning process to be successful, information about the given state has to be collected and evaluated (DOT, 2012). This can only be possible with the help of county managers or state administrators (DOT, 2012). Since the main function of DOT is to provide quality transport systems to the people, they have to work conjointly with state administrators to ensure the dreams of the people are met (DOT, 2012). It is the state administrators or the county managers that represent the needs of the people, while the DOT carries out instructions regarding development conveyed to it by the state administrators (DOT, 2012). The DOT also advises state administrators on various changes transportation needs to be improved (2012). It is then up to state administrators to initiate policies that advance transportation area (DOT, 2012). For instance, DOT might notice a gap on the basis of a need of building a new road or run way in

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Human Trafficking Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Human Trafficking - Research Paper Example People smuggling involves providing people, mostly illegal immigrants, with the means to enter into a foreign country or state without following due legal process and for a price. Once the smuggled people reach their destination, they are set free to go and start their own lives in whatever place they choose. Human trafficking is not a new phenomenon as it has its roots in ancient times when civilization was taking form, which is even before the 15th century. In places such as Rome and Greece, the vice was so prevalent and lucrative that the society had accepted it as a normal business, which put almost half of the population in bondage (Williams 36). However, it is only after the 15th century that this form of trafficking took a global dimension as a result of new explorations and establishment of colonies by the Portuguese, Dutch, British and French among others in territories outside their own continent. It is from here that capturing of indigenous people, with the help of collabo rators, began whereby the captured people were driven to work in large farms and plantations in the colonies as well as in Europe and other continents such as the US, which led to widespread transfer of populations. Some races such as African Americans were formed as a result of this atrocity after people from the African continent were procured by US slave masters to go and provide cheap or forced labor in their firms and while at it, the slaves continued to procreate both within themselves and with the indigenous Americans thus their current existence. However, anti slavery movements emerged in the 1770s and consequently several nations outlawed it and it remains outlawed even in the contemporary society most... Human trafficking is the trade of human beings for the purposes of forced servitude. Forced servitude in this context involves; forced labor, sexual exploitation, child labor, bonded labor and military enrollment. It is estimated that there are more than 27 million people world wide in modern slavery, a business which is attracting a lot of illegal money valued at more than $32 billion annually. Third world countries have been noted as the major targets for traffickers, while the developed ones such as the US are the recipients due to their high economic growth and numerous opportunities. Some of the impacts of this trade on Developing countries include and not limited to; depression of wages, high prevalence of STDs, loss of human capital as well as high crime rate. The US, which receives more than 50000 trafficked persons on yearly basis, suffers from unemployment since victims are made to provide cheap labor, insecurity as well as the burden of spending tax payer’s money in combating the above mentioned consequences.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Creative brief Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Creative brief - Essay Example The information is equally vital in determining emerging lifestyles, habits, and way of thinking because the creative design team finds relevance with the single parent. Evaluation of the psychographic information, on the other hand, helps the team in designing both interesting and smart products that appeal to the single parent who prefers IKEA products. A single parent in the above case is in her late 30s, uses modern communication platforms such as emails, Facebook, and Twitter, and prefers e-commerce delivery systems. Consequently, it is upon the creative design team to assess new marketing tools that match the customer’s tastes and preferences while targeting the wider market segment. That suggests that advertising attracts clients similar to the single parent with the need to expand the business in terms of increased profits (Sutherland 156). The message, thus, is to add more people through innovative ways that do not interfere with the overall operation of the business. As a result, audiences would believe this message because it resonates with their desires and contemporary ways of conducting

Friday, August 23, 2019

Symbolism in Mr Rochesters Descriptions of Jane Eyre Essay

Symbolism in Mr Rochesters Descriptions of Jane Eyre - Essay Example At their first meeting (in Chapter 12 of the novel), Mr Rochester and his horse have taken a fall, and Jane Eyre is the only human being at hand to offer help. When he comes to know that she stays at Thornfield, he is puzzled because he cannot make her out. He can see that she is not a mere servant; when she tells him that she is the governess, he expresses amazement at having 'forgotten' that possibility. However, it is only when they next meet that she learns that he is the master of the house. At this time, in Chapter 13, he reveals what he thought of his first meeting with her: . . . you have rather the look of another world. I marvelled where you had got that sort of face. When you came on me in Hay Lane last night, I thought unaccountably of fairy tales, and had half a mind to demand whether you had bewitched my horse: I am not sure yet. In the course of the conversation he admits that he would not have managed to guess her age, for her"features and countenance are so much at variance." He demands to see her schoolgirl drawings and judges that they have been born of "elfin thoughts." . . . In the next chapter, at his next meeting with her, Mr Rochester reiterates that there is something "singular" about Miss Eyre: . . . you have the air of a little nonnette; quaint, quiet, grave, and simple, as you sit with your hands before you, and your eyes generally bent on the carpet (except, by-the-bye, when they are directed piercingly to my face; as just now, for instance); and when one asks you a question, or makes a remark to which you are obliged to reply, you rap out a round rejoinder, which, if not blunt, is at least brusque. This seems to be the only description of Jane by Mr Rochester that accords with the one that occurs at the end of Chapter 26. It appears to imply that he sees her grave and pure simplicity, and that the elfin and fairy imagery he scatters so readily in his descriptions of her reflect his own thoughts and fears rather than his conception of her true nature. In Chapter 15, Jane, perhaps somewhat roughly, saves her sleeping master from a fire. The words that he then addresses to her are, to put it mildly, unusual: "In the name of all the elves in Christendom, is that Jane Eyre" he demanded. "What have you done with me, witch, sorceress Who is in the room besides you Have you plotted to drown me" It is, surely, only Mr Rochester's conception of Christendom that can accommodate elves, witches and sorcery. Anyway, Jane is not in the least put out by this response and answers her master "in Heaven's name" without reference to any such profane or pagan imagery as used by her master. Mr Rochester, in Chapter 19, disguises himself as a gipsy woman who had come to tell the fortunes of the single women of quality then present at Thornhill. The other ladies are either amused or disappointed with what they hear, but the fortuneteller seems to have come especially to read Jane's fortune. When face to face with Jane the ' woman' sheds her gipsy tongue and declaims in high poetic language: The flame flickers in the eye; the eye shines like dew; it looks soft and full of feeling; it smiles at my jargon: it is susceptible; impression follows impression through its clear sphere; where it ceases to

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Risk management in advanced nurse practice Essay

Risk management in advanced nurse practice - Essay Example The management of risk in health institutions is made depending on the code of operation of a specific practice. However, many state governments provide minimum requirements that each patient and practitioner must adhere to. In most cases the patient is given the freedom to agree or disagree with a certain mode of operation. For instance, before any critical operation, a patient should consent to it before it is carried out. If they are not in a position to do it, then the immediate family is given this mandate. However, there are exceptions if there is an emergency situation and there is no member of the immediate family to consult. According to O’Reilly (2009) when a medical practice fails to consider available options, a patient is entitled to compensation in any case of harm. Additionally, medical practitioners are not allowed to act under their own jurisdiction. This means that before any crucial medical step, the management of a medical practice should also be included i n the decision making. ... If the uncertainty was avoidable then the medic in charge should be doubtful. Nevertheless, this does not mean that the medic should be prosecuted for the mistake. Neglect on the part in the part of the nurse should lead to prosecution. However, in many cases on uncertainties the organization takes responsibility of the incident rather than letting a medic be solely judged for it. According to Jasper (2008) in case of any patient incident, a medical practitioner is advised to prepare a full report on the occurrences during the incident. To maintain its credibility, the author further argues that witnesses should be included in all medical reports. Liabilities caused can be fatal to the career of an advanced practice nurse. If it reaches to a point where a medic I challenged to a law suit, the consequences could also portray a negative picture on the medical institution. It is for this reason that medical institutions have in place a proper risk management team. Risk management in med ical institutions is the best way to shield a practitioner from liabilities (Cornelison, 2008). Before enrolling into an institution, medical practitioners should review an organization’s mode of protecting its employees from liabilities. The relationship between an institution and an employee should be based on performance rather than operating conditions. Practitioners should be given the freedom to operate without being intimidated by the rules and regulations formulated by the company. Providing legal counsel to an advanced practice nurse should be based on how well they are protected from uncertainties. Working unions provide another option of cushioning from liabilities. Unions over the years have been referred as the

Groundwork Preparation for Wet Mounts Essay Example for Free

Groundwork Preparation for Wet Mounts Essay Through processes know as wet mounts and simple stains, observing living microorganisms through a compound microscope can generate a clearer understanding of their appearances and movements. Microorganisms are living things that for the most part cannot be seen through the naked eye. They live on and among humans, as well as plants, animals, and all that is a part of the Earth. Harmless as most seem to be to humans, microorganisms are an important relevance of study for human interest in varied perplexities and can dictate a human lifes progress or deterioration; thus the significance to humans is vital (Talaro 6). The discovery of the microscope introduced a new branch of science called microbiology. The microscope, a major instrument in this realm of study makes it possible to observe, acknowledge, and clarify implications of meaning to the study of organisms. In preparing for two basic observations, a wet mount and a simple stain, living microorganisms can be seen clearer through a simple stain and by using a drop of water, movements of microorganisms are varied. A smear is when a spreading of bacteria is made on a slide for viewing. A simple stain is when a method of observation of a living organism is smeared on a slide with one stain during a procedure. A wet mount is where a research method of an organism or organisms is placed on a slide with fluid. The microorganisms can then move freely. On the laboratory research completed January 30, 2006 using a wet mount example and a simple stain instruction the following items were used to obtain the visibility of microorganisms moving through slides using two kinds of avenues. The first was a wet mount. The following items and instructions were used to obtain optimum examination of organisms: 1.) Add one drop dH20 on center of slide. 2.) Dip wireloop in pond water. 3.) Smear wireloop sample on slide. 4.) Place cover slip over smear. 5.) Observe slide under 4x, 10x, and 40x. Results At 40x: The bacteria is an algae type of species. One reason would be is to differentiate between true mobility of an organism and a Brownian movement which is considered a movement caused of the moles  while the liquid is thumping an entity or causing the entity to tremble or recoil. When this slide was viewed on a 4x and 10x under microscope small bacteria could be seen as several dots but at 40x, those dots became one huge light brown bacterium that had still several smaller bacteria inside of it. The objective for the wet mount examination and the simple stain slide observation is to determine size, shape, arrangement, and mobility of cells. The reasoning the two materials are to determine what happens when dye instead of water is used in determining the size and shape of bacteria (Granato 4). The usage of oil immersion magnifies this process. The example of the pond water for the wet mount sample lets the examinee see bacterium that has lived in H20 for a certain amount of time whereas the SA plate is in a gel-like substance. The methods applied for a simple stain using an SA plate to examine the bacteria in it were the following: 1.) drop of dh20, 2.) Take sample from SA plate 3.) Heat fixate. Cool slide afterwards, 4.) Add one drop of Methxylene Blue for 30 seconds, 5. Wash smear gently w/dH20 from the slide, 6.) Remove excess water, and 7.) Observe under 4x, 10x, 40x, and then 100x with oil immersion. Results at 100x: Under oil immersion the specimens are easily seen as varied and elongated. The extension from one to another is quite extensive. Although while viewing the specimen during the simple staining process, I wasnt sure what type of bacteria it was. The fact Methxylene Blue was added instead of just H20 and of course adding the oil because it was magnified at 100x, the specimen were numerous in size and shape. The pond water algae seemed lifeless and didnt move either by themselves nor because water had hit them. The implication and significance of these two processes of examination are vital to experience a step forward in the world of studying microorganisms. What was viewed during these examination places an actual visual understanding about life not seen by the naked eye. The experience unknown to me demonstrates a passage which will now emphasize a greater  understanding of the world of microbes. Works Cited Granato, Paul A., Helen Eckel Mizer, and Josefine A. Morello. Laboratory ManualAnd Workbook in Microbiology: Applications to Patient Care. New York:McGraw Publishing. 2006. 5th Edition. Talaro, Kathleen Park. Foundations in Microbiology: Basic Principles. New York:McGraw Publishing. 2005. 5th Edition.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Hospital Web Application Design for Elderly Patients

Hospital Web Application Design for Elderly Patients The aim of this project is to develop an elderly friendly web application which can be used to book hospital appointments online and also interact with Doctors via skype. It also can be used by doctors to maintain patient records which can be given read access to patients to their records. This aim also needs us to answer few things and the first one would be to address the needs of ageing population in learning how to use a computer if they dont know already and also using a web application which would cater their needs and make their lives easy. We will also discuss the specific difficulties faced by the ageing population in learning computer skills which will in turn help them using a web application easily. Older adults and technology Health takes a down turn when a person gets old and in the future years the number of older adults are going to increase according to many statistics. This could lead to being hospitals and clinics overfilled and become more in demand. Due to several factors, older adults will need supervision in their health from proper health care practitioners (Codreanu Florea, 2016). Perception of control is one of the most important factors in determining ones place on a social environment. To keep up with the new technologies younger generation use older generation are learning new computer technology faster than the younger generation (Morrell, 2002). To avoid themselves from socially isolating in this day and age older adults learn computer skills and also learn how to use internet. And some even contradict Morrell saying that older adults learn computer skills slower due to physiological changes which makes their learning process slow. Older adults can integrate with the modern society by learning how to use new technology and also know how to learn new stuff from internet on their own. There are many E-learning programs which can be used by the ageing population to learn anything. Most of the times older adults make the government of a country to to question its own policy towards people working after they retire. In the same way, they should also be able to integrate with the rest of the society to use latest web applications which are in the market and adapt to them and for them to adapt to it, the application creators should focus that there are plenty of older adults as well who might use their application in a day to day basis. To dive deep into the discussion of why web applications should be older adult friendly we will discuss the myths around older adults using web applications, how older adults are engaging themselves in learning latest technology and also the obstacles they face in using a web application (Githens, 2007). The goal of this project is to focus on the guidelines to be followed which can make the older adults involve in using web applications and also focus on other opportunities related to it in the favor of older adults and companies which develop web applications. How retirement is changing? Life expectancies have been increasing which has also increased the retirement years proportionally. Due to this the older adults value, all the benefits they get from employment after retirements such as financial, social, physiological and many more. Those employments may be full-time, part-time, paid, unpaid or even a temporary employment (Hale, 1990). With this and also seeing organizations dealing with new talents due to reduction of experienced workers due to retirement we could say that retirement is an outdated concept (Stein and Rocco, 2001). With the research done in the past decade it is seen that the new talents also want to be working after they retire, which is about 80% in 2005 (Dychtwald, 2017). With this spirit the notion of retirement will be transformed in the future as these new talents are the ones which bring big changes in the current world. The world-wide web or as we call the internet is not just for the younger generation. With many new applications like Quora, Facebook and many more we have seen that the internet is accepting individuals all around the world irrespective of the age and it is also seen that there has been an increasing number in the people of older age group. To determine the exact number would be difficult as any precise number which comes up will be obsolete after it gets recorded.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Human Trafficking problems and effects in Sudan

Human Trafficking problems and effects in Sudan Sudan is a source country for men, women, and children trafficked internally for the purposes of forced labor and sexual exploitation. Sudan is also a transit and destination country for Ethiopian women trafficked abroad for domestic servitude. Sudanese women and girls are trafficked within the country for domestic servitude. Local observers report the recruitment sometimes by force of Darfuri girls to work in private homes, including those occupied by soldiers from the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), as cooks or cleaners; some of these girls are subsequently pressured by male occupants to engage in commercial sexual acts. Sudanese women and girls are trafficked to Middle Eastern countries such as Qatar, for domestic servitude and to European countries, such as Poland, for sexual exploitation. Sudanese children are trafficked through Yemen to Saudi Arabia for forced begging. Sudanese gangs coerce other young Sudanese refugees into prostitution in nightclubs in Egypt. Sudanese children are unlawfully conscripted, at times through abduction, and exploited by armed groups including the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), all Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) factions, the Popular Defense Forces, Janjaweed militia, and Chadian opposition forces in Sudans ongoing conflict in Darfur; the Sudanese Armed Forces, associated militias, and the Central Reserve Police also continue to unlawfully recruit children in this region. There were confirmed reports of forcible child recruitment in 2008 by the JEM in several refugee camps in eastern Chad, as well as villages in Darfur. Forcible recruitment of adults and particularly children by virtually all armed groups involved in Sudans concluded north-south civil war was previously commonplace; thousands of children still associated with these forces await demobilization and reintegration into their communities of origin. Although the Sudan Peoples Liberation Army (SPLA) high command committed to preventing recruitmen t and releasing the remaining children from its ranks, reports suggest some local commanders continue recruiting children. In certain states, the SPLA also persists in using children for military activities, even after these children have been formally identified for demobilization and family reunification. A recently released report by a consortium of NGOs found that government-supported militia, like the Janjaweed and the Popular Defense Forces, together with elements of the SAF, have systematically abducted civilians for the purposes of sexual slavery and forced labor as part of the Darfur conflict. This practice was far more common, however, at the beginning of the conflict in 2003 than during the reporting period, when the conflict in Darfur had largely subsided. Some were released after days or weeks of captivity, while others escaped after a number of months or even years. The vast majority of those abducted are from non-Arabic speaking ethnic groups like the Fur, Massalit, and Zaghawa. Abducted women and girls are subjected to rape, forced marriage, and sexual slavery, as well as forced domestic and agricultural labor. Abducted men and boys are subjected to forced labor in agriculture, herding, portering goods, and domestic servitude. Thousands of Dinka women and children were abducted and subsequently enslaved by members of the Missiriya and Rizeigat tribes during the north-south civil war. An unknown number of children from the Nuba tribe were similarly abducted and enslaved. A portion of those who were abducted and enslaved remained with their abductors in South Darfur and West Kordofan and experienced varying types of treatment; others were sold or given to third parties, including in other regions of the country; and some ultimately escaped from their captors. While there have been no known, new abductions of Dinka by members of Baggara tribes in the last several years, inter-tribal abductions continue in southern Sudan between warring African tribes, especially in Jonglei and Eastern Equatoria States; Murle raids on Nuer villages in Jonglei State resulted in the abduction of an unknown number of children. The terrorist rebel organization, Lords Resistance Army (LRA), continues to harbor small numbers of enslaved Sudanese and Ugandan children in southern Sudan for use as cooks, porters, and combatants; some of these children are also trafficked across borders into Uganda or the Democratic Republic of the Congo. UN/OCHA reported 66 LRA-related abductions in southern Sudans Western Equatoria Province in 2008 and early 2009. The Government of National Unity of Sudan (GNU) does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking and is not making significant efforts to do so. This report discusses the problem of human trafficking as it impacts the country in its entirety and analyzes the efforts of the national government, the Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS), and the state governments to combat the problem. Sudans Tier 3 ranking reflects the overall lack of significant anti-trafficking efforts demonstrated by all levels of the countrys governing structures, each of which bear responsibility for addressing the crime. While the GNU and the GOSS took greater steps to demobilize child soldiers, combating human trafficking through law enforcement or significant prevention measures was not a priority for any Sudanese government entity in 2008. The national government published neither data nor statistics regarding its efforts to combat human trafficking during the year; it did not respond to requests to provide information for this report. Prosecution The governments anti-trafficking law enforcement efforts were negligible during the reporting period; it did not investigate or prosecute any suspected trafficking cases. Sudan is a large country with porous borders and destitute hinterlands; the national government had little ability to establish authority or a law enforcement presence in many regions. Sudans criminal code does not prohibit all forms of trafficking in persons, though its Articles 162, 163, and 164 criminalize abduction, luring, and forced labor, respectively. No trafficker has ever been prosecuted under these articles. In May 2008, the Council of Ministers received the Child Act 2008 for review; the act must be approved by the council and ratified by the parliament before it can be implemented. The Act prohibits the recruitment of children under the age of 18 into armed forces or groups and ensures the demobilization, rehabilitation, and reintegration of child victims of armed conflict. Several states subsequently d rafted their own Child Acts based on the national act; in November 2008, Southern Kordofan State ratified its Child Act. In December 2008, Sudans National Assembly approved the Sudan Armed Forces Act of 2007, which establishes criminal penalties for persons who recruit children under 18 years of age, as well as for abduction and enslavement; the act prescribes penalties of up to five years imprisonment for child recruitment and up to 10 years imprisonment for enslavement. In August 2008, the Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly passed the Southern Sudan Child Act of 2008, which prohibits the recruitment and use of children for military or paramilitary activities and prescribes punishments of up to 10 years imprisonment for such crimes. The President of the Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) signed the act into law in October 2008. The Southern Sudan Penal Code Act, enacted in July 2008, prohibits and prescribes punishments of up to seven years imprisonment for unlawful compulsory la bor, including abduction or transfer of control for such purposes; the Act also criminalized the buying or selling of a minor for the purpose of prostitution and prescribes a punishment of up to 14 years imprisonment. In December 2008, the Minister of Justice issued a decree establishing offices with specialized childrens attorneys in Southern Darfur, Gedaref, Southern Kordofan, Sennar, Blue Nile, Western Darfur, and Kassala States to supervise investigations. The government neither documented anti-trafficking law enforcement efforts nor provided specialized anti-trafficking training to law enforcement, prosecutorial, and judicial personnel during the year. At the request of the Sudanese Police, in January 2009, UNPOL trained 122 women police officers who staff gender desks in child protection. UNPOL also conducted a five-day training program on human rights, gender, and child protection for 25 police officers in Aweil. Protection Sudans Government of National Unity (GNU) made only minimal efforts to protect victims of trafficking during the past year, and these efforts focused primarily on the demobilization of child soldiers. The government continued to demonstrate extremely low levels of cooperation with humanitarian workers in the Darfur region on a broad spectrum of issues, including human trafficking. The GOS and GOSS provide little to no protection for victims of trafficking crimes; Sudan had few victim care facilities readily accessible to trafficking victims and the government did not provide access to legal, medical, or psychological services. The government did not publicly acknowledge that children are trafficked into prostitution or domestic servitude in Sudan or take steps to identify and provide protective services to such victims. The Khartoum State Polices child and family protection unit, which offers various services such as legal aid and psychosocial support, assisted an unknown number of c hild victims of abuse and sexual violence in 2008 and could have potentially provided these services to trafficking victims. In 2008, similar units were established with UNICEFs support in Western Darfur, Northern Darfur, Southern Kordofan, Northern Kordofan, and Gedaref States. The government did not have a formal referral process to transfer victims to organizations providing care or a system of proactively identifying victims of trafficking among vulnerable populations. In January 2008, the government and its UN counterparts established a forum to share information and coordinate an appropriate response to children affected by armed conflict; the group met three times during the year. In May 2008, the Northern Sudan DDR Commission (NSDDRC) and the Southern Sudan DDR Commission (SSDDRC), with support from UNICEF and the Integrated UNDDR Unit, demobilized 88 children formerly associated with the SPLA in Kurmuk, Blue Nile State. In December 2008, the SSDDRC demobilized 46 children from the SPLA training academy in Korpout, Upper Nile State; they were part of a group of 68 children registered for demobilization in July 2007. Identification and registration programs were ongoing for remaining children still serving under the SPLA in Unity and Jongley States, as well is in South Kordofan. In July 2008, NSDDRC in Blue Nile State and UNICEF commenced an interim program to monitor demobilized childrens participation in reintegration opportunity programs; in October 2008, the program provided training to NSDDRCs child DDR workers on DDR standards and communicating effectively with children. In August 2008, the GOSS opened a child protection unit to ensure that no children are part of the SPLAs ranks. In December 2008, the Sudan Armed Forces, the National Council for Child Welfare, and UNICEF signed a memorandum of understanding to strengthen the protection of children in Sudan and prevention of recruitment into the armed forces. During the reporting period, the government punished trafficking victims for crimes committed as a direct result of being trafficked. Following the May 2008 clash between JEM and government forces in Omdurman, a suburb of Khartoum, Sudanese authorities arrested 110 children on charges of attempted violent overthrow of the state and held them with adults for several days. The government then established a Presidential High Committee to care for the children under the leadership of the Humanitarian Aid Commissioner. The National Council for Child Welfare (NCCW) took custody of 100 children, placed them in a National Security detention center, and provided medical care and psychosocial support; international NGOs certified the quality of the center as good and in keeping with international standards. However, 10 children were not sent to the separate facility and remained in detention with adults and an estimated 30 children were used as witnesses in trials of JEM combatants. The govern ment pardoned and released 103 children for family reunification; tried, acquitted, and released four children; and sentenced one child to death, pending appeal. The whereabouts of one child is unknown. The Committee for the Eradication of Abduction of Women and Children (CEAWC), established in 1999 to facilitate the safe return of abducted and enslaved women and children to their families, was not operational during the reporting period. Its most recent retrieval and transport missions took place in March 2008 with GOSS funding; since that time, neither the GNU nor the GOSS provided CEAWC with the necessary funding for the transport and reunification of previously identified abductees with their families. The government made no efforts to address issues of abduction and enslavement in Darfur during the reporting period. Basic Info The U.S. State Department ranks Sudan on Tier 3, meaning that the human trafficking prevention, protection, and prosecution there is about as stable and functional as the rest of their infrastructure. Of course, they would probably love to prevent the various armed factions from recruiting and abducting child soldiers, if for no other reason than to reduce the insurrectionists ranks. The brutal combination of ongoing conflict, poverty, and a lack of rule of law and infrastructure has meant Sudan is a source, transit, and destination country for trafficking victims. So does Sudan have the political and economic stability to truly tackle trafficking? Trafficking prevention efforts in Sudan are, to use my favorite euphemism, a bit of a fustercluck. The ongoing conflict makes it nearly impossible for the government to get a handle on human trafficking and the significant child soldier problem. Not that theyve shown much serious effort. Who Are the Victims and What Are They Doing? The image of Sudanese children being lured or kidnapped from their homes to become child soldiers has become a cliche, but one steeped in a painful reality for many Sudanese families. Several different rebel factions use child soldiers in Sudan, as well as the Sudanese army and affiliated groups. Less-publicized but also a significant issue is the rampant use of Sudanese men, women, and children for forced labor within Sudan. This is especially true for women and girls, who are often forced into domestic servitude in private homes and sometimes used for sex there. Women and girls are also forced into commercial sex, and children are forced into begging on the streets. Where Are They Coming From and Where Are They Going? A significant portion of human trafficking in Sudan is internal, but it is also a source and destination country. Sudanese women and girls are trafficked to the Middle East and Europe for commercial sexual exploitation, where they can fetch a higher price. Children are also trafficked to the Middle East, primarily Saudi Arabia and Yemen, to beg. On the flip side, children from other African countries have been trafficked to Sudan girls usually as domestic servants and boys usually as soldiers. Whats Gotta Happen? Sudan wont be able to seriously address human trafficking until they address the conflict, poverty, and displacement which seriously exacerbate the problem. They recently took a good first step by enacting anti-trafficking legislation, but have yet to really enforce it. They need to arrest people for forcing others into labor and make an effort to identify cases when that happens. They also need to demobilize all the child soldiers in the country and work to reunite them with their families or find them other shelter. And yes that means the child soldiers in the Sudanese Armed Forces and affiliated militias.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Othellos Loss for Words Essay -- Othello William Shakespeare Essays

Othello’s Loss for Words Othello’s character throughout the play demonstrates a skill and confidence in the art of language. From the beginning we see long, eloquent speeches that dazzle his audience – eloquently mixing complex words that help portray him as not only a strong warrior but also a fighter with a sound mind. However when Iago pressures him about the possible relationship between his wife Desdemona and Cassio, Othello’s passion for his beloved wife breaks down his self-control. In the next few pages I will demonstrate how Othello’s speech during the beginning of the play helps to strengthen his character, and by his death, he’s but a stuttering empty shell of a man. In addition, we’ll compare the language of the moor with that of Iago and see how anti-heroic words shape the way we see this self-interested character. During the third scene of the first act, Othello speaks eloquently about how he’s won and married Desdemona. This is a beautiful forty-line speech that really shows his capacity to articulate and communicate effectively before the higher court. The language that he uses helps us see Othello as a true, confident leader. Shakespeare writes: Hath this extent, no more, Rude am I in my speech, And little blessed with the soft phrase of peace, For since these arms of mine had seven years pith Till now some nine moons wasted, they have used Their dearest action in the tented field And little of this great world can I speak More than pertains to feats of broils and battle. (I.iii.81-87) Here Othello uses irony to subtly demonstrate his grasp of the English language. His claim that he is â€Å"rude† in speech is particularly revealing because he knows all too well that no one in that room would believe that he has rudimentary abilities. Similarly, the remaining line of this example shows us his poise with regard to physical strength and the leading of armies. Ultimately, use of this kind of language reflects Othello’s lofty ideals. From the onset, we are given words that mirror powerful, dramatic images that know no bounds – and with that, we see his strength and passion for being both an idealized military general and a devoted, loving husband. In contrast, if we look at the language of Iago we see long soliloqui... ...use of animal imagery continuing as before. In the final act of the play we see Iago’s language shift from long lines filled with evil thoughts to shorter sentences – much like Othello in act four. However, Iago’s slyness remains. Shakespeare writes: I have rubbed this young quat almost to the sense, And he grows angry. Now, whether he kill Cassio Or Cassio him, or each do kill each other, Every way makes my gain. (V.i.11-14) It isn’t until Othello begins to understand what has happened that we see a shift in each characters word selections. Once Othello slowly comes to realize Iago was behind the scandal, his confidence in speech begins to come back – and we start to notice more coherent thought. It’s interesting to think about how words play the most crucial role in creating imagery for an audience. In the case of these two characters, particularly Othello, the emotional wave he rode was only represented by his ever-changing use of words. In the beginning, we cheered for him – and by the end of play we weren’t sure what to think. Had he become as evil as Iago? Iago on the other hand, well, he’s just Iago.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Financial Distress: Bankruptcy Essay -- Economy, CNN Money, Kmart

Halley 1 Financial Distress: Bankruptcy Financial distress which results in bankruptcy are very common for businesses in today’s economy. According to CNN Money Fortune 500, â€Å"Last year marked the highest number of billon-dollar bankruptcies ever recorded. And corporate bankruptcies have continued at an elevated clip, with about twice the number of businesses filing for bankruptcies filing for bankruptcy protection in the 12 months ending June 2010, as they did during the same span of time in 2008, 2007, or 2006.† (Roane, 2010) It is very important for every financial manager to acknowledge that bankruptcy can be a reality for any company and financial managers have to know how to prevent it. Most all companies have debts and these debts are used for financial leverage, but they have to be closely monitored by the financial manager. Many monthly debts that companies are faced with are, making monthly payments to vendors, and paying employees. It is the financial managers to manage and monitor th ese debts, so that the debts don’t become more than the equity. (Ross, Westerfield, & Jordan, 2010) Companies will be considered in financial distress when all of their liquidity has to be used to pay their outstanding debt. Companies can file bankruptcy to deal with and manage the lack of liquidity. When a company files bankruptcy the company is protected and bondholder or creditors cannot sue them for money that is owed. According to the authors of Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, â€Å"In principal a firm becomes bankrupt when the value of its assets equals the value of its debt.† (Ross... ...s trying to compete with Wal-Mart and Target on similar name brands, and prices, which became detrimental to Kmart. (CNN Money.com, 2002) According to CNNMoney.com Kmart filing included â€Å"Kmart, which has about $37 billion in annual revenue, said it had secured $2 billion in debtor financing to pay its $1.6 billion in debt and expected to emerge from bankruptcy in about a year.† (2002) Kmart wanted to emerge from restructuring with a new image that was totally different form their competitors and by filing bankruptcy and reorganizing their organizations they were able to do that. Conclusion: In order for a company to prevent any type of bankruptcy a company will need to keep its assets lower than his debt. It is important for financial managers of a company to manage a company’s debt-equity ratios while still increasing leverage within the company.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Examine the Reasons for Changes in Birth Rates

Since 1990, there has been a declining trend in birth rates and family size. The birth rate refers to the number of live births per 1000 of the population per year. There have been incidents of ‘baby booms' during the 20th century, where the birth rate has suddenly increased. These include after both world wars and during the 1960s. However, overall the birth rate has been decreasing. There are a number of social factors responsible for these changes. Firstly, the changing position of women in society has been partially responsible for the decline in birth rate and family size.The changes include greater equality changes between women and men, more education and work opportunities for women, easier access to divorce and wider availability of contraception and abortion, allowing women to control their fertility. as a result of these changes, women are seeing other possibilities in life other than marriage and childbearing. Many women are delaying child birth and putting their ca reers first. this leads to them having children at a later age and consequently being unable to have several children. Furthermore, a change in social attitudes mean some women are not having children at all.In addition to this, many sociologists argue that a decline in infant mortality rate leads to a decline in birth rate. They argue this because couples are not having children to replace the ones they have lost in infancy, as infant death is much rarer. In 1990, 15% of babies born died before their first birthday. Today, the infant mortality rate stands at only 5%,a great decrease from 1990. The decline in infant mortality rate is linked to a number of factors including improved healthcare, better nutrition for both babies and mothers and better care for mothers and their children through agencies such as antenatal and postnatal clinics.The decline in infant mortality, it is therefore argued, has a direct impact on the birth rate. Furthermore, birth rate and family size have decr eased since 1900 as children have become an economic liability. Previously, children had been sent out of work to earn an income, such as chimney sweep boys during the Victorian era. However, laws banning child labour and the compulsory education extending means that children are not aloud to earn an income. Instead they remain economically dependent on their family for longer.Additionally, children's material expectations have risen, meaning the cost of maintaining children has too. Increasing child expenditure has led to a reluctance from couples to have large families, thus the birth rate has decreased. The child-centered attitude that has now become prevalent in society is a final reason for a declining trend in birth rate and family size. The social construction of childhood has led people to view childhood as a unique, important period in a persons life.In relation to this child-centered attitude, parents' attitude has shifted from ‘quantity' to ‘quality' when it c omes to their family. This means people prefer to have a smaller family size so they can spend more attention on children during their important life stages. Overall there has been a steady decline in birth rate and family size since 1990. This has been due to a number of social factors including the changing position of women, the decline in infant mortality rates, changes in child laws and social attitudes towards childhood as a social construct.

Human Relations Movement Essay

In the first twenty-five years of 20th century owners and managers assumed that people came to work primarily because of economic needs which led to the development of classical management supported by Taylor and then to the scientific management of Fayol. However, by the 1930s, it has become a certainty, on the basis of research, that people have other needs primarily related not to financial fulfillment but to personal involvement. Since then, there were a lot of theorists that tried to explain what was that triggered and sustained human behaviour. As a result, the research of these â€Å"behavioural scientists† (kreitner 1999) became to what today is called the human relations movement. This study will be demonstrating the need for human relations movement and also if it has completely replaced classical and scientific management. (131) Before the human relations movement, companies were looking for a way to grow their profit by increasing the productivity and efficiency of the workers. The first and most important model user of the scientific method was F.W.Taylor. As an experienced worker, Taylor focused on the design of the manual tasks (David Buchanan, 1997) by rationalizing and standardizing production techniques. Taylor, in the words of Aitken, ‘was the first to synthesize and systemize the best that was known about the management of men’. (80) This researcher’s primary interest was the individual worker that was motivated by financial incentives. Although the planning, organizing and leading the worker’s tasks increased productivity and profit, when it came to methodology of people Taylor showed no concern. It is true that financial incentives kept workers motivated for a while but the closely controlled conditions of work which promoted a militaristic and mechanistic organization (Buchanan) led to a low employee morale. (70) Apart from Taylor, H. Fayol also analyzed the complexity of organizations . This theorist viewed organizations as akin to living organisms, possessing a life of their own and requiring the maintenance of harmony in order to function satisfactorily. As a result, he developed 14 principles designed to facilitate discipline and high productivity in a company. One of Fayol ’s principles was ‘Division of work’ which directed workers in completing certain tasks; other one was ‘Unity of direction’ which meant that all people in the organization had common goals such as making profit. Indeed, this code of principles is indispensable in organizations and seem to be of the utmost importance in the achievement of an effective organization. (113) However, the major disadvantage of both Fayol and Taylor’s ideas was the lack of concern with the interaction between people. Both theorists aimed to analyze and control the activities of people but did not include the employee in the decision-making processes of the organization. Also, these methods neglected the importance of other rewards apart from financial incentives such as job satisfaction, recognition between team-workers and personal achievement. As a result, the human relations movement needed to appear. (77) The notions of human relations movement and the social person, which gathered momentum through the 1950s, took shape in relation to the work of Elton Mayo. The theorist conducted the Hawthorne experiments which concerned the effects of scientific management on the worker in terms of absenteeism and fatigue (Cole). Therefore, Mayo did not exclude scientific management but wanted to help in improving the method. The experiment involved observing a group of six women in their workplace. Although there was some obvious criticism about the outcome of the research carried in five stages, the Hawthorne studies provided some important conclusions that contributed to a better understanding of human behaviour in organizations. (108) Probably the most important conclusion of the Hawthorne studies was that social relationships are at least as important as financial incentives and working conditions. Moreover, Mayo came to the conclusion that the person’s individual needs, supportive supervisors and team work had a powerful impact on job performance. Therefore, scientific management was not denied as an efficient method for the company but was questioned when it came to the social effects. (70) The Hawthorne studies were not considered important only for the conclusions provided but also for opening a path for other theorists who also focused on this approach. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, McGregor’s theory X and Y and Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory brought to managers’ attention the important roles played by individuals in determining the success or failure of an organization. Moreover, Mary Parker Follett who was not only a woman management consultant (kreitner) but also a writer saw employees as complex combinations of attitudes, beliefs and needs. (85) The human relations movement began to expand in time and organizations started to understand the vital importance of groups and social relationships at work and managers began to attend to employees emotional needs. Therefore, the working conditions were improved and workers received recognition as a distinct human being. Social researchers and managers also created new techniques intended to improve employees motivation: job enrichment, employee of the month awards, self-managing teams, incentives and corporate entertainment programmes. (73) In the new millennium, scientific management is still alive and plays an important role by offering companies a way of meeting their technical, economic and social objectives.(Buchanan) Assembly line si today examples

Friday, August 16, 2019

Ordering System Essay

Introduction In recent years, technology is evolving rapidly. The use of computers is mostly needed for business day-to-day operations, evidently in most institutions like grocery stores. Grocery stores are familiar to most people and located throughout the country, although their sizes and range of goods and services often vary. Stores in the grocery store industry primarily sell a range of food items, but may also sell some nonfood goods. Most grocery store employees work in a clean, well-lighted, and climate-controlled environment. However, work at times can become hectic, and dealing with customers can be stressful with the use of manual process. In this study, we want to develop a new system for Jewel and Nickel Grocery Store Order System that will help them to minimize the time in taking the orders of their costumers, minimize the time in computing the total amount of each transactions, and to lessen the errors and problems in taking the costumers order for more efficient and time effective process. JEWEL AND NICKEL GROCERY STORE starts in 1990 with a capital of one thousand pesos only. The owner starts their grocery store on their own. The name of the store comes from the owner`s siblings Jewel their son and Nickel their daughter. Jewel and Nickel Store is located at PritilBinangonan Rizal and they are open at eight in the morning until six in the evening. After 22 years of selling quality goods, their store is now much bigger and now they have their own passenger boat and a lotto outlet. MISSION †¢To sell quality goods and to earn at least 3% profit. VISSION †¢To satisfy their costumer and to make sure that our goods are all in good quality.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Response to Beauty and the Beast

In every culture and throughout every generation the presence of fairytales and folklore has been evident, because just as each culture has its own morals and manners, so does every culture need its own fairytales to represent what is important to those people at that time in that place.While there are many fairytales told to children around the world every year, there are none so famous as Beauty and the Beast by Jeanne-Marie LePrince de Beaumont, a story in which a young maiden who is kind-hearted and loving to her father learns to love and appreciate a Beast, looking beyond his appearance to his soul.This fairytale represents a great deal of the important morals and values that are important to every generation, especially during the time it was written. The basic belief in goodness, faithfulness to one’s family, and the ability to love someone for who there are and not what they are becomes the themes of this fairytale, and the interpretation of its meaning becomes apparen t through analyzation of the characters and their actions. Fairytales can tell us a great deal about the time and place in which it was developed.Beauty and the Beast was written in 1756 by a French writer living in England and was based upon a folktale that was well-known at the time. The author wrote it to be included in a book for use by governesses when teaching their young female scholars â€Å"of quality†, and therefore by analyzing it the audience can learn about the types of lessons that would have been taught to young girls. All of the major characteristics expected of young women are embodied by the character of Beauty: selflessness, studiousness, a love of reading, hard-working, and devoted to her father and family.Young girls would have been able to look up to a character like Beauty, and society would have encouraged girls to be like her. The main character, after all, is faithful to God, obedient to her father, and compassionate to her family despite the fact he r sister’s are selfish and jealous. She works hard even when her father loses their fortune and she is forced to run a household without luxury. The story also stresses the importance of keeping one’s promises.In the one instance where Beauty does not keep her promise to return to the Beast in one week she is overcome with guilt and runs back to him, to find that he is nearly dead because of loneliness for her. When she does the right thing and keeps her word, she is rewarded with the Beast becoming a prince who gives her his kingdom. During a time and in a place where a girl’s formal education was more geared towards rearing them to be good daughters, wives, and mothers than scholars, these traits would have resonated with the girls who were looking for heroes to mirror themselves after.Like any good fairytale, Beauty and the Beast involves romance. Each generation loves romance and loves the thought of falling in love and of a young woman meeting her prince. I n this particular fairy tale, that is slightly different because the love interest isn’t a handsome prince at first, but a Beast. At first the Beast appears to be kind: caring for he father when he ends up stranded at the castle, leaving him food, and providing a place for his horse to stay. Yet, when the father picks a rose for his daughter Beauty we see the angry, frightening side of the Beast.With Beauty, however, we only see the caring side during their long conversation every night at 9 o’clock, when he would join her for a meal. Beauty describes him as being â€Å"kind and good, and that is sufficient†. Every night he would ask her to marry him, having fallen completely in love with her for her beauty and her kindness of heart. When Beauty decides to marry him for his goodness and is able to overlook his appearance and his lack of sense, Beast turns into a handsome prince and Beauty is given a kingdom to rule next to him.This romantic aspect of the story h as drawn in many fans, but it also conveys an important message to those who read it and use it as a moral allegory. The story is meant to show that it is not what is on the outside that counts, but what is on the inside. This theme is one of the oldest and most cliched, but it is a lesson that was thought to be important to young people hundreds of years ago, as well as today. Literature from this period and of this type is known for its symbolism and this demands interpretation to understand how it all fits together.The first object that requires a deeper look is the rose, which becomes the thing that creates the entire storyline. When Beauty’s father leaves and he asks his daughter what she wants him to bring back, she asks simply for a rose. When her father takes the rose from the Beast’s garden he is confronted by the Beast, who says that he loves his roses more dearly than anything, and that in payment he demands either the father’s life or one of his daug hters.Of course, Beauty submits herself to whatever fate she will have at the Beast’s hands, but what is interesting about the rose is that she becomes, in a way, the Beast’s most prized possession, much like the rose itself. At the end of the fairytale the two greedy sisters are turned into statues by the fairy, who says they will remain that way until they repent of their wrongs and so they can always see Beauty’s joy.The morals of the time would have taught young women to not be selfish, and that being that way would turn them into bitter old women, just as the sisters are turned into statues. The fairytale of Beauty and the Beast is one that is widely known and loved. Movies, books, and cartoons have all been made based on it, and in terms of literature, it holds up as a story that is beautiful and that would have been used to teach morals and values to generations of young women.While times change and the definition of womanhood changes with it, the values taught within Beauty and the Beast are not all to be disregarded. The idea that we can fall in love with someone for who they are and not how they look is one that still resonates, and the ability to be the best we can be and do what is right is also a value that everyone should embody. This story was meant as a moral allegory to young women and children, and today it still stands up as a fairytale to be told through the ages.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Accounting Terminology Essay

Each of the following statements may (or may not) describe one of these technical terms. For each statement, indicate the accounting term described, or answer â€Å"None† if the statement does not correctly describe any of the terms. a. The level of sales at which revenue exactly equals costs and expenses. Break-even point. b. Costs remain unchanged despite changes in sales volume. Fixed Costs. c. The span over which output is likely to vary and assumptions about cost behavior generally remain valid. Relevant Range. d. Sales revenue less variable costs and expenses. Contribution margin. e. Unit sales price minus variable cost per unit. Unit contribution margin. f. The reduction in unit cost achieved from a higher level of output. Economics of scale. g. Costs the respond to changes in sales volume by less than a proportionate amount. Semi variable costs. h. Operating income less variable costs. â€Å"None†. Exercise 20.7 – Using Cost-Volume-Profit Formulas Exercise 21.2 – Home Depot’s Financial Statements: Incremental, Sunk, and Opportunity Costs Read the footnote in Appendix A referring to Home Depot’s decision to close all of its remaining big box stores in China. Write a short paragraph identifying the incremental, sunk and opportunity costs associated with this decision. Assume that any cost savings will be invested elsewhere in more productive stores. Incremental costs relate to the difference in costs between alternative courses of action and incremental revenues. The incremental costs that would be that would occur from either remodeling or closing Home Depot an existing location would include cost of materials, overhead from the actual physical remodel, labor that includes employee pay for rearranging and moving merchandise during a remodel if it occurred, designing and planning costs. Opportunity costs are important factors when it comes to decision making because they define the costs of taking some action in terms of the value foregone or that’s given up due to a particular action taken place. Opportunity costs of remolding would include profits on lost sales if the store is closed during remodeling, loss of current sales due to decrease in customer traffic (due to excessive noise, smell, dirt and inconveniences. Stores could potentially lose profit if they are not able to stock the full line of products or keep items stocked during a remodel. Whereas a sunk cost is an outlay that has been irrevocably incurred at some time in the past; sunk costs cannot be changed no matter what course of action is taken and are irrelevant for purposes of decision making involving the future. Sunk costs related to either remodeling of the store that would need to be taken into consideration include original costs of the current store (decorations, paint, shelves, displays, carpet) and designs that will need to be replaced or removed during either remodeling or closing. Exercise 21.6 – Incremental Analysis: Make or Buy Decision The cost to Swank Company of manufacturing 15,000 units of a particular part is $135,000, of which $60,000 is fixed and $75,000 is variable. The company can buy the part from an outside supplier for $6 per unit. Fixed costs will remain the  same regardless of Swank’s decision. Should the company buy the part or continue to manufacture it? Prepare a comparative schedule in the format illustrated in Exhibit 21-6. It would be more beneficial for the company to manufacture the part rather than buy it from an outside provider. Brief Exercise 22.9 – Flows of Costs through Manufacturing Accounts The President of Cold Moo Ice Cream Company, a chain of ice cream stores in the Midwest, was unhappy with the actual six-month profit figures for the  company recently prepared by the CFO. The president asked the CFO for a profit breakdown, by store, of the actual six-month results. When the President received the report, he was extremely upset and called the CFO, into his office. The President stated, â€Å"These reports show that each store in the chain is profitable, but our company results are unprofitable! How can this be?† The CFO pointed out that each store was allowed to set prices for ice cream based on its cost structure. However, the stores’ cost structures did not include headquarters costs of the costs of advertising and delivery of products. What are the three characteristics for operating a successful responsibility accounting system? Consider whether the accounting system at Cold Moo Ice Cream Company includes the three characteristics of a successful responsibility accounting system. How could the responsibility accounting system at Cold Moo be improved? As the Textbook states, â€Å"measuring performance along the lines of management responsibility is an important function. A responsibility accounting system holds individual managers accountable for the performance of the business centers under their control and provides top management with information useful in identifying strengths and weaknesses among units throughout the organization.† The three characteristics of a successful operating accounting system will include budgets, will measure the performance, and contain timely performance reports. â€Å"Budgets serve as performance targets for each subunit in an organization. The accounting system will measure the performance of each responsibility center, and timely performance reports are prepared that compare the actual performance of each center with the amounts budgeted.† When reports are preformed frequently, it allows center managers to be able to keep their performances on target, and helps with the evaluation of the managers. It does not appear hat Cold Moo Ice Cream is following the timely reports method of the accounting system, which is essential to ensuring the financial information is accurate as possible, and to improve this aspect should be more intertwined with the actual budget and more accurately present how the performance of the store is measured. To do so the responsibility income statement should also be presented, this  contains not only the operating results of a particular part of a business but also the revenue and expenses of each profit center within that part, which could be extremely important to see how those centers within the same area measure and stack up against one another. For the responsibility income statement to be informative and useful it should essentially and efficiently be able to detail Variable Costs, Contribution Margin, Fixed Costs, Traceable Fixed Costs and Common Fixed Costs. In addition, fixed costs that are common to both product lines amount to $125,000.00. Instructions a. Prepare Chocolatiers’ responsibility income statement for the current month. Report the responsibility margin for each product line and income from operations for the company as a whole. Also include columns showing all dollar amounts as percentages of sales. b. According to the analysis performed in part a, which product line is more profitable? Should the common fixed costs be considered when determining the profitability of individual product lines? Why or why not? According the analysis in part a, the solid product line is more profitable. When determining profitability of any product line, common fixed costs should not be considered. Only the costs that are directly traceable to the product lines should be included. Common fixed costs are not directly traceable to any product, as they are arbitrarily allocated in proportion to a chosen factor, for example, machine hour or square feet of a certain space occupied. c. Chocolatiers has $15,000.00 to be used in advertising for one of the two product lines and expects that the expenditure will result in additional sales of $50,000.00. How should the company decide which product line to advertise? The effects of this campaign will typically be in both sales and variable costs, and therefore the company should select the product line based on which product will have the highest contribution margin ratio, which is the  percentage of sales, service revenues or selling price that remains after all variable costs and variable expenses have been covered. This method takes into consideration the limited time frame of the advertising campaign, where fixed costs will most likely not be affected.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Do's & Don't for Educational Facility Planning Project Essay

Do's & Don't for Educational Facility Planning Project - Essay Example The space should be standard and as per the recommended guidelines. The planner should fit the available finances into the standard plan rather than fit the plan into the available finances. In such a case, there will be concern towards achieving the correct space for present as well as the future. In the development of an approach that will settle the scores between the budgetary constraints and educational requirements. Care should be taken in avoiding an approach that will constrain the facilities due to the available cash. It would be better to develop a few compulsory facilities and leave space for future developments, rather than develop all facilities, but with constraints. This approach will aim at ensuring quality. The facility aims at providing comprehensive educational specifications that link the education programs offered with the design of the facility. In achieving this objective, all features necessary for a certain facility should be incorporated into the design. This will involve the use of relevant personnel. Proper documentation should assist in ensuring the proper steps are followed. The planners, should thus, use the resources available at their disposal to ensure that they get the requirements for the facilities right and not focus on what they think is right. They should apply facts, procedures and standards in determining the requirements. There should be proper communication between the designers and the educators, whereby the educator is responsible for stating what is required and the designer is responsible for stating how the requirements are met. The educator has the requirements in a theoretical perspective and should not be involved in determination of the design. The designer is responsible for ensuring that the required and stated specifications are met fully. The process of planning for the education facility at hand requires consultation with experts, who are responsible for approving some of the required

Monday, August 12, 2019

Culture Event Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Culture Event - Essay Example It helped in eliciting the right mood for the artwork. Besides, there is the use of size seen in the manner in which each of the objects in the foreground, middle ground and background occupy proportionately larger, large and small areas respectively. This is used along side the element of space as it helps in creating stability amongst different objects. Moreover, the artist carefully used lines throughout the artwork to help in defining shapes and make them to stand out strongly in the painting. Lastly, there is the use of form as can be evidenced in the use of 3-dimensional strategy in all the objects. On the other hand, the artist incorporated the use of the principle of balance in which a visual stability was established using 3-dimensional shapes. It helped in a proper distribution of weight throughout the artwork. This is blended with the principle of rhythm and repetition in which important objects are rhythmically repeated throughout the image so as to help in creating focus and emphasis. All these helped in producing a proportionate and real image that shows an actual situation being

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Marketing - Essay Example Was their objective to change their image from a conservative clothing store to a more fashion-updated store? Did they want to reposition their products? Are they willing to sacrifice their conservative market just to tap another segment of the market? These are essential questions which should have been addressed before deciding to come up with the ad. Another important aspect which Penny might have overlooked is the pre-testing stage of the advertisement. They should have randomly picked out a â€Å"consumer jury† who will view the ad and see how they would react to the ad. The â€Å"jury† should be representative of their target market, to include their present consumers and the market which they want to tap. Had they done this process, they could have gotten outright feedback on the impact of their ad. 2. How could Penney use public relations strategies to counteract the bad publicity it received as a result of the ad and the t-shirts? As a result of its television commercial entitled â€Å"Attitude Adjustment†, Penny suffered from bad publicity. Their customers reacted negatively. This same problem was encountered by Penny when they came out with a T-shirt design with a slogan â€Å"Home Skooled†. To counter the negative publicity that they experienced from these instances, I think Penny should try to redeem itself and beef up its reputation again.