
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Desert Winds And Electrical Energy Essay -- essays research papers

Desert Winds and Electrical EnergyThe energy of the suggestion support be channeled into other forms of energy besides the energy employ as an erosional agent. This is especially true of retract nullitys. Today, some desert wind is used to make electricity.Wind velocity is affected by commit temperature. When air warms and cools, it changes density, which creates air pressure differences that cause wind. In the desert, temperatures may range from 40 F at night to more than 120 F in the daytime. Because of this temperature fluctuation, wind is generally stronger in desert areas. There are many windy areas in California. It is usually windier during the summer months when wind rushes in from armoured combat vehicle areas, like the ocean to replace hot rising air in Californias deserts. In Southern California, the hot air from the desert goes up and out over the seashore Range, reaching seaward. When it cools off it descends and flows suffer toward the land and re-enters the d esert through such loop holes in the Coast Range as the San Gorgonio Pass the old Puerta de San Carlos above Indio. The rush of wind through this particular pass is quite violent at times. For wind is very much like water and seeks the least obstructed path. passim the San Gorgonio Pass there are wind-eroded ledges attesting to the violent winds that pass through it. The San Go...

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